German composer and conductor Matthias Pintscher
German composer and conductor Matthias Pintscher

Produced in collaboration with Four Larks, SESSION pintscher featured music by Grisey, Berg, Ravel, Xenakis and two works by curator/composer Matthias Pintscher.

Set in out of the ordinary locales, SESSION is a unique experience where LACO musicians collaborate with compelling composers to build programs that fit the unique properties of a uncommon places.

“SESSION offers a creative vision unhindered by the barriers of ‘traditional’ norms and venues,” says LACO Executive Director Scott Harrison. “SESSION is designed to appeal to those culturally curious souls who may be unfamiliar with classical music as well as concertgoers intrigued by the ways in which the genre can defy expectations.”

“SESSION is designed to appeal to those culturally curious souls who may be unfamiliar with classical music as well as concertgoers intrigued by the ways in which the genre can defy expectations.”
— LACO Executive Director Scott Harrison

Four Larks

Four Larks is a Downtown LA-based creative collective led by director Mat Sweeney & designer Sebastian Peters-Lazaro. They are best known for their Ovation Award-winning ‘junkyard operas,’ which combine wildly original music, choreography and site-specific design, staged in unexpected locations. Their work bridges new music, avant-pop, dance, and immersive theatre, to create radical performance experiences. Mat & Sebastian are thrilled to collaborate with LACO and work alongside newly appointed creative advisor Ellen Reid to create a visual dimension for this extraordinary program. Follow them at

SESSION continues 2019-20 with conductor/composer and wild Up director Christopher Rountree, composer Missy Mazzoli and Sound Investment composer Juan Pablo Contreras.

Photos by Timothy Norris.

SESSION is made possible by Ruth Eliel & Bill Cooney, Howard & Judith Jelinek, David & Mahnaz Newman, Clare Baren & David Dwiggins, NancyBell Coe & William Burke, Fariba Ghaffari, Leslie Lassiter and Abby Sher.